A syllable is stressed and sounds more prominent than surrounding syllables. Loudness is measured in deciBels (dB), but there is no guarantee that a stressed syllable is stronger in dB. The perceived strength/stress can be due to a combination of duration and tonal change.
Examples showing the distinctive function
clause, you can give it a different meaning or a different aspect. |
The terms Duration and Quantity are also used. They deal with how much time is required to pronounce a segment or a se- quence of segments. The length of speech sounds is practically always measured in milliseconds.
Quantity is the term used when a
Length in Swedish is complementary,
Examples showing the distinctive function
TONE | |
Also called pitch, intonation or tonal accent. This refers to the fundamental frequency of the voice. (The voice has a fundamental frequency and a great number of harmonics). Frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz), which means vibrations (cycles) per second.
The distinctive Swedish tonal accent types
Examples showing the distinctive function
distinctive length are identical within each word pair. |
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